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My Improvements This Semester

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     I took this course while trudging my way through the second semester of my senior year and what an adventure it has been. I have learned many writing skills and important lessons for the future through taking this class. I never would have thought taking this 16-week virtual class would have as much of an impact on my writing skills as it did. I have learned so much through expanding my English skills and improving my planning, time management, and scheduling abilities. My primary topic through the course of this semester was the effect of groundwater deprivation by the agricultural industry on the environment. 


     My greatest learning experience in this class was my project one essay. I wrote about solutions to the global water crisis and as I was writing I was also having a personal mental crisis throughout the process of writing the essay. I learned that choosing an extremely complicated and broad topic can make research and condensing extremely difficult. I managed to find sources that each contained about forty pages of information and meticulously condensed the main points and topics of the articles down into my 1500-word essay and then provided my own thoughts onto each professional environmentalist’s thoughts and connected them to each other. Making me an expert researcher and environmentalist isn’t the only feat this essay achieved, however, as it also taught me to combat the difficulties of time constraints and the consequences of procrastination. I did not start this course until a month after the course started and I was extremely behind; I was very near dropping out, but I stuck to the class and did all of the assignments including this project which was a feat I would have considered to be impossible. It helped me to realize that if I put my mental constraints aside I can accomplish far more than I would ever think possible. I appreciate Professor Hammett patience, encouragement, and willingness that allowed me to push through these obstacles and learn through this experience.


     Another constraint I have worked through this semester was improving my poor MLA habits. Going into the semester, I was confident in my ability to write in proper MLA format, but as it turns out, a lot of what I had learned in previous classes was incorrect. I did not know what hanging citations were at the beginning of this semester, or that the works cited page had to be alphabetized, or how to even put my last name as a header at the top right of each page. Through this course, I have learned how to correctly use MLA format which will undoubtedly be a crucial tool throughout the remainder of my college writing career. It was definitely a shock to figure out that I was misusing such a crucial tool for my writing success and I had never been taught correctly but I am extraordinarily grateful this class has corrected my insufficiency.


     This class has been key in helping me hone my writing and organizational skills and study habits. It has also taught me to persevere and work through personal challenges while balancing college-level curriculum, leading me to feel more confident as I head to college this fall. From environmental degradation due to the the global water crisis to the absurdity of Albert Camus this course has expanded my knowledge in ways I never could have foreseen. As I move forward, I carry with me not only a deeper understanding of environmental issues and literary works but also a newfound resilience and determination to overcome obstacles. Thank you, Professor Hammett, for your guidance and support throughout this transformative experience.

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